Brief Remarks on the Utility of Satan

Timothy Hamilton
3 min readMar 30, 2024

And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:14

Q: What do call someone who believes in the literal existence of the Devil?A: Christians.

Whether one accepts his literal existence, or believe Satan to be only metaphor and symbol, it is part of his story that he has firsthand knowledge of God and His Glory. For Satan, proof of the existence of God, is beside the point. It is instructive to consider what this means for us earthly creatures. Mere knowledge and experience of the Divine does not suffice for salvation. Obedience is the virtue sin qua non of Christianity. Knowledge without obedience is as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. To be a good Christian, one does not need understanding or knowledge, only the willingness to obey. Agreement without understanding is obedience. Hence, the talismanic regard many Christians have for “true” and “correct” formulations of creeds, prayers, and beliefs, and as such, indistinguishable from rank superstition.

Faith, then, means willingness to offer the expected beliefs and opinions of one’s congregation with or without understanding. Consequently, “Truth” in the mouth of a believer means “I refuse to think any further” and is indistinguishable from any other delusion. However, the utility of the Christian delusion should not be underestimated…

